Sunday, January 31, 2016

#79 Patience, #39 Grandma, #90 Sara

Not the seventy-ninth block I've made, but #79 in the book "The Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt" and release #17 in the quiltalong that started September 28, 2015. There are over 6,200 members in the facebook group sharing and posting, from all over the world. As of today, there have been 36 blocks released with tutorials on gnomeangel's website.

Here is a picture of Patience in progress - very easy block. Nine little squares (which allow for fussy cut) that go together zip zip zip!!! with chain-piecing. Fifteen minutes to cut out, chain press chain press trim once again. Done! Zebra stripes, oak and maples leaves with pumpkin pie color background. (Debbie Mumm harvest print)
#39 Grandma was so many little triangles to sew together!!! Actually the biggest challenge was fabric audition. Gnomeangel used a print of luscious oranges, which provided inspiration to look for a fruit print. Strawberries were what I finally chose, with green batik and a lighter green print for contrast. After cutting, I line up all the pieces, then chain piece, press, check layout, repeat.

Grandma #39, all finished. Seeing the blocks made by the hosts of quiltalongs is both helpful and "blocking" (writer's block, creative block, get it??). For example, the tutorial for #90 Sara has a white/red floral, a dark red print and a medium red solid. Good value placement - but I couldn't see past this example. Finally I was able to visualize and chose a dark pink print (Sandy Gervais, Snap Pop), a light pink print and a light green print that picks up pink by Riley Blake. This went together quickly chain-piecing the 4-pieces, adding the triangle end pieces and assembling the rows. This picture exaggerates the bias stretch, next time I shall plan my steps to avoid it. 

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